About ECOP Canada
As the Canada Node for the Global ECOP Programme endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade, ECOP Canada aims to achieve intergenerational equity by strengthening the diverse voices of early career ocean professionals (ECOPs) in all ocean fields across Canada. ECOP Canada has a network of partner organizations to connect members with jobs, training, funding, leadership, and collaboration opportunities, and to ensure that the vast potential of early-career professions is fully maximized and supported.
About Canadian Geographic
Canadian Geographic magazine is a Canadian magazine that celebrates Canada — our past, present, and possible futures. We’re dedicated to uncovering and communicating stories about Canadian people, places, and issues that matter. This award-winning tradition began in 1930. Today,Canadian Geographicis published six times a year and is complemented by a highly engaging website and a dynamic supplement series.
About Students on Ice Foundation
The Students on Ice Foundation inspires connection and empowers leadership for a sustainable future. Our mission is to foster globally minded leaders by immersing youth in transformative experiential learning environments and collaborative cross-cultural journeys to the Arctic, Antarctic and places in between.